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Econ 121 Class Notesjason Lee

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CBS's ECON 121 121 Course has 1 document available

Econ121ch2lecturenotes.pdf: File Size: 122 kb: File Type: pdf. . Econ 181 offered in WI21, will require students to have previously taken Econ 164. Instructors' names for those listed as STAFF are forthcoming and will be posted as soon as possible. Note: there is a comprehensive list of elective courses sorted by interest here. Department of Economics Winter 2020 University of California San Diego ECON 121 Applied Econometrics and Data Analysis Syllabus Time: Monday / Wednesday / Friday, 1:00-1:50 p.m. / 2:00-2:50 p.m.

ECON 121-Principles of Macro Economics-Usman Khan.pdf | Winter 2020

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This paper uses the historical record to isolate episodes in which there were large monetary disturbances not caused by output fluctuations. It then tests whether these monetary changes have important real effects. The central part of the paper is a study of postwar U.S. monetary history. We identify six episodes in which the Federal Reserve in effect decided to attempt to create a recession to reduce inflation. We find that a shift to anti-inflationary policy led, on average, to a rise in the unemployment rate of two percentage points, and that this effect is highly statistically significant and robust to a variety of changes in specification. We reach three other major conclusions. First, the real effects of these monetary disturbances are highly persistent. Second, the six shocks that we identify account for a considerable fraction of postwar economic fluctuations. And third, evidence from the interwar era also suggests that monetary disturbances have large real effects.

Published Versions

Olivier Jean Blanchard and Stanley Fischer (eds.) NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1989. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989.

Romer, Christina D. and David H. Romer. 'Monetary Policy Matters,' Journal of Monetary Economics, 1994, v34(1), 75-88.

Econ 121 Class Notesjason Lee

Does Monetary Policy Matter? A New Test in the Spirit of Friedman and Schwartz, Christina D. Romer, David H. Romer. in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1989, Volume 4, Blanchard and Fischer. 1989


Does Monetary Policy Matter? A New Test in the Spirit of Friedman and Schwartz, Christina D. Romer, David H. Romer. in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1989, Volume 4, Blanchard and Fischer. 1989




Economic Fluctuations and Growth
Monetary Economics

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